Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bar in wordpad window

 Title Bar
 Menu Bar
 Standard tool bar
 Format Bar

Formatting through format bar:
 Style
 Size
 Type
 Colour

Formatting with format menu:
 Ruler
 Insertion Line
 Status bar
 Control menu box
 Select text
 Selecting the text by using keyboard
 Selecting the text by using mouse

Title Bar:
 Every program in the windows Operating System has a Title Bar.
 With the help of the title bar we can identify the program and the name of the file.
 There are 3 buttons at the right top corner of the title bar,

They are,
 Maximize
 Minimize
 Close

Menu Bar:
This bar contains a set of Menus like,
 File,
 Edit,
 Insert,
 View,
 Format,
 Help

Standard Tool Bar:
In this tool bar, we can see a number of buttons having different pictures on them. Each button performs a different operation for us . The respective operations can be identified from the pictures. Most of these buttons are in the form of menus and menu items in the menu bar.
 Icon new,
 paste,
 print preview,
 open,
 Grammar,
 undo,
 save,
 print

Format Bar:
This bar contains a set of buttons that helps the user to format the text.
The word ‘format’ refers to changing of “the Style, the size, the colour and the type” of the text that are present in the document.

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