Thursday, March 18, 2010

Utility tools in ms-word:

1. Adding borders to the document
2. Inserting word art in a document
3. Using Spell Check feature

Adding Borders to the Document:

1, When we want to create a decorative document with borders and shading, we have an option called ‘Borders and Shading’ under format menu.

2,When we make a click on it , we will get the borders and chading dialogue box.

3, By selecting the required line style, we can insert a border in our document.

Inserting WordArt in a document:

1, Word Art is a special feature used to print the text with some style.
2, To insert word art we have to make a click on the word art option under Insert Menu.

Insert..........>Picture........>Word Art

3, A word art Gallery dialogue box will appear showing different styles of word art.

4, The required style can be selected from this box.

5, After we type the required text, click on OK button.

6 The typed text will appear in the selected style.

Using Spell Check feature:

1, ‘Spell check’ is a special feature, which simultaneously assists the user in finding the spelling mistakes.

2, You could have noticed the red colour squiggled lines displaying during the course of your typing work in the computer.

3, That is nothing but the spell check feature of MS_Word.

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