Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Components of Microsoft Excel Window

CELL: is an intersection of a row and a column. It can contain various types of data, for example, number or characters. A cell is referenced by the name of the column and row. For example, the first cell A1 is in column A and row 1.

WORKSHEETS: are sheets that contain rows and columns of cells in which users can enter data in Excel.

WORKBOOKS: Contain a number of worksheets.

Workspace: Contains related workbooks.

Rows and Columns: a single cell in Excel can contain 65,536 rows and 256 columns. A single cell in Excel can contain 32,767 Characters.

Charts: enable you to graphically represent data in a worksheet. You can also create user-defined charts.

Formula Autocorrect: automatically corrects incorrect formulas in Excel. This feature of excel corrects 15 most common formula entry mistakes automatically. Excel also prompts to correct mistakes by displaying a dialog box and suggesting corrections.

Many Basic feature of MS Office applications are present in Excel. For example,
 Menu bar and Toolbars
 Shortcut menus
 Pop-up and drop down menus
 Cut, copy and paste, drag and drop features.

Range Finder: uses coloured co-ordinated frames to indicate the cells that are referenced in a given formula if the cell in which the result of the formula is displayed is clicked. You can drag the frames and adjust the references of the formula.

Natural language formulas: enable you to use user-defined names of columns in formulas.

Auto correct and spell check: automatically corrects common typing, spelling and grammatical errors. It also lets you perform a spell check on the worksheet.

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